Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) chairman Mohsin Naqvi has instructed his office and colleagues to refrain from making any statements regarding India's decision to send its team to the ICC Champions Trophy next year. As per PTI sources, Naqvi has decided that neither he nor other PCB officials will comment on the matter, leaving the issue for the ICC to address. A PCB insider noted that this is why there have been no recent statements from Naqvi or other board officials about the potential consequences if India opts not to participate.
Naqvi has directed all relevant officials to continue preparing for the Champions Trophy under the assumption that India will send its team. The PCB has submitted the draft schedule and all necessary documents, including security plans for each team, to the ICC. It is now up to the ICC to persuade India to participate.
Naqvi highlighted the importance of avoiding unnecessary controversies on mainstream or social media about the India-Pakistan cricket issue. An ICC venue inspection team is scheduled to visit Pakistan in September for a final review of the three-match venues: Karachi, Lahore, and Rawalpindi. The PCB's primary focus is to ensure the renovation work on these stadiums is completed.
Another source in Islamabad revealed that Naqvi prefers not to disclose the PCB's strategy publicly regarding India's participation. However, a plan has been finalised behind closed doors after discussions with government officials.
For the record, Naqvi also serves as the federal minister of interior.