R Ashwin, known as one of the top spinners in modern cricket, recently grabbed headlines for his batting performance in the Tamil Nadu Premier League (TNPL). In a match between Dindigul Dragons and Chepauk Super Gillies, Ashwin opened the batting for the Dragons and scored an impressive unbeaten 45 runs off just 20 balls, including 3 fours and 4 sixes at a strike rate of 225. Despite Dindigul Dragon's loss in a rain-shortened game, Ashwin's quickfire innings amazed fans and experts, with the video of his knock going viral on social media.
In a recent interview on RevSportz, Ashwin revealed that initially, MS Dhoni, his former captain at CSK, may not have known much about him in the first year. However, under Dhoni's leadership, Ashwin began to thrive at CSK, especially as a powerplay bowler.
Ashwin recalled a specific game in 2010 where Dhoni got injured from a blow by Shane Bond, leading Ashwin to shine in the IPL. Despite initial setbacks, Dhoni's faith in him never wavered, as he recognised Ashwin's potential and utilised him effectively in various roles within the team. From bowling in the powerplay to taking crucial wickets, Dhoni's belief in Ashwin's abilities ultimately helped him become a key player for CSK and even in the Indian team.