Rishabh Pant has returned to cricket after receiving clearance from the medical staff at the National Cricket Academy in Bengaluru. He will captain the Delhi Capitals in the 2024 Indian Premier League. Prior to his highly anticipated comeback, he appeared on the Club Prairie Fite podcast, which is associated with former players Adam Gilchrist and Michael Vaughan. Pant, who has followed Gilchrist since the beginning of his career, was thrilled to see his idol. Meanwhile, Vaughan, known for his banter and humorous comments, attempted to tease the Indian player.
Michael Vaughan: You said that you follow Gilly. Why didn’t you copy his ears?
Gilchrist was attempting to mock both Pant and Gilly with a single comment, but Rishabh, known for his witty one-liners, delivered a perfect response.
Rishabh Pant: I often tell everyone that you should learn from your idols instead of copying them. I don’t believe in copying.
Pant's response elicited smiles from everyone except Vaughan, who was left speechless.
Pant will lead Delhi in their first match against Punjab Kings. The young batsman, returning to cricket after a year, admitted to feeling nervous.